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AVIRIS Altadena, CA Imagery
Altadena True Color (649KB)
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This picture shows an approximately true color image of areas of Altadena and Pasadena, CA, as well as the San Gabriel Mountains. This image was taken on September 27th, 1993, which is before the Altadena Brush Fire of November, 1993.  JPL can be seen as the bright area on the left edge, while the Rose Bowl is the doughnut in the lower left.
Altadena Water Vapor Map (649KB)
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By analyzing AVIRIS data, particularly at those wavelengths where the water vapor in the atmosphere absorbs much of the Sun's light, we can create a map of the approximate amounts of water vapor over the image. In everyday terms, the differences are minor, but they are significant from a scientific point of view. This image is in pseudo-color.
Altadena Pseudo-elevation (206KB)
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The inverse water vapor map can be processed to approximate ground elevation, since where the ground is high there's less atmosphere, and hence less water vapor. The reverse is true for where the ground is low. In this pseudo-color image, the color table of the water vapor map has been inverted so that low water vapor is now red and high water vapor is blue and black. The two redest peaks are Mt. Lowe on the left and Mt. Wilson on the right. The curving canyon between Lowe and Wilson is Eaton Canyon.

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Last Updated:
December 2, 2004

JPL External Website Clearance Number:
CL 03-2685
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