AVIRIS Flight: f051215t02

Science Data


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Run ID        Site Name        NASA Log # Investigator Start Lat Start Lon Stop Lat Stop Lon Start GMT Stop GMT     Comments    
p00_r01 St. Croix AM4-P1, US Virgin Islands  6T008   Liane Guild   17-50.18   -064-38.01   17-44.93   -064-34.85   1324   1330   Alt = 11.5 kft
SOG = 83 kts
30%+ clouds in area
20% clouds over line
N to S 
p00_r02 St. Croix AM3-P2, US Virgin Islands  6T008   Liane Guild   17-49.96   -064-36.83   17-44.67   -064-33.64   1332   1338   Alt = 11.5 kft
SOG = 72 kts
20% clouds over line
S to N 
p00_r03 St. Croix AM2-P3, US Virgin Islands  6T008   Liane Guild   17-49.73   -064-35.65   17-45.44   -064-33.01   1339   1344   Alt = 11.5 kft
SOG = 80 kts
10% clouds over line
N to S 
p00_r04 St. Croix AM6-P1, US Virgin Islands  6T008   Liane Guild   17-49.25   -064-39.54   17-44.82   -064-36.87   1347   1352   Alt = 11.5 kft
SOG = 75 kts
5% clouds over line
S to N 
p00_r05 St. Croix AM5-P1, US Virgin Islands  6T008   Liane Guild   17-49.84   -064-38.85   17-44.95   -064-35.90   1353   1400   Alt = 11.5 kft
5% clouds over line
line extended over south shore
N to S 
p00_r06 St. Croix AM8-P2, US Virgin Islands  6T008   Liane Guild   17-48.05   -064-40.91   17-44.57   -064-38.81   1405   1409   Alt = 11.5 kft
SOG = 71 kts
5% clouds over line
one cloud mid-line
S to N 
p00_r07 St. Croix AM7-P2, US Virgin Islands  6T008   Liane Guild   17-48.65   -064-40.22   17-44.70   -064-37.84   1411   1414   Alt = 11.5 kft
SOG = 85 - 81 kts
2% clouds
N to S
p00_r08 St. Croix AM9-P3, US Virgin Islands  6T008   Liane Guild   17-47.45   -064-41.60   17-44.44   -064-39.78   1417   1421   Alt = 11.5 kft
SOG = 66 kts
2% clouds
S to N 
p00_r09 St. Croix AM4-P1 (again), US Virgin Islands  6T008   Liane Guild   17-50.18   -064-38.01   17-44.93   -064-34.85   1424   1431   Alt = 11.5 kft
SOG = 80 kts
10% clouds over end
Clear over Buck Island area
N to S 
p00_r10 St. Croix AM5-P1 (again), US Virgin Islands  6T008   Liane Guild   17-49.84   -064-38.85   17-44.95   -064-35.90   1433   1440   Alt = 11.5 kft
SOG = 67 kts
5% clouds
S to N 
p00_r11 St. Croix AM10-P3, US Virgin Islands  6T008   Liane Guild   17-46.85   -064-42.28   17-44.32   -064-40.75   1444   1446   Alt = 11.5 kft
SOG = 85 kts
10% clouds
N to S 
p00_r12 St. Croix AM13-P5, US Virgin Islands  6T008   Liane Guild   17-48.03   -064-46.13   17-44.36   -064-43.91   1450   1454   Alt = 11.5 kft
SOG = 71 kts
10% clouds
OK over estuary
S to N 

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Last update:  Mon May 1 16:12:52 PDT 2006
AVIRIS Experiment Coordinator / AVIRIS_Exp_Coord@jpl.nasa.gov